Day 42 - More lists

Things I am looking forward to doing when this is over....

- Not having to check the Tesco delivery slot availability 27 times a day 
- Getting a regular Tesco delivery slot again 
- When going for a walk, not opening gates like a freak of a person with my top stretched over hands in a bizarre “jumper-gloves-combo” whilst trying to assist useless hands with other body parts such as knees, shoulder, hip, bum, feet 
- Having the house to myself
- Hugging my mum
- Going shopping without having to stop dead in the isle to avoid passing someone, or having to double back on myself to go 10 isles out of my way to either adhere to the arrows on the floor, or find an isle with no other people down it (usually due to bare shelves down that free isle)
- Going out for a full day
- Going on holiday
- Watching Coro more than 3 times a week
- Being able to have a work meeting or social catch up without having to look at my own fat face on a screen as I talk to others
- Appreciating days off work because they are different to other days
- Not having to cross the road or walk off the path in suspicion when passing other human beings 
- Watching the news without getting either pissed off or scared 
- Being able to order a Chinese takeaway 
- Going to the theatre with my mum
- Going inside my grandmas house and sitting down and having a coffee and an out of date biscuit with her
- Celebrating with friends who have had birthdays in lockdown
- Going back to my pottery class
- Holidays
- Having an excuse (too busy with work) for having a messy house
- Not feeling guilty for not wearing a mask whilst knowing I would feel guilty for wearing one as the NHS need them more
- Not nearly passing out due to holding my breath to try and suppress any tiny sound if I need to clear my throat whilst at a supermarket 
Being paid actual money for actual work I have actually done
- Not being ashamed every bin recycling day, and, whilst hiding behind curtains, secretly hoping that the bin collectors will assume I live in a house of multiple occupancy due to the amount of beer and wine empties

Things I am going to miss when this is over......

- Not having to get up early
- No school run
- Spending so much time with my daughter
- Gardening
- Reading until past midnight if I want to
- Having time to cook whatever meals we fancy
- No work stress or tight deadlines
- Having enough time to do everything I want to do / need to do
- Not having to wear make up or do my hair if I don't want
- Having time to write a pointless blog
Drinking gin on a random day of the week, at a random time, without guilt

(Pic is of one my fave places, Cow Bank, up on the moors past Helmsley)


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