Day 2 - Poo covered leaves

So today I tackled my usually most hated job of the week. Cleaning the guinea pigs out. Normally this fills me with dread, it’s a big hutch with, after a week, lots of shit in it. In past weeks I do the dreaded clean out as soon as Mia is out the door to school, rushing round, trying to get it done before I set off for my days jobs. Today, however, was different. I rocked up to the hutch at an unheard of 9.40am. The sun was shining and I took my time, instead of rushing round like a crazed person to fit it in before work. I even shouted Mia out in to the garden and we held and stroked the guinea pigs for ages before putting them in to their lovely clean run for the day. I smiled as I picked the poo out from under my nails and realised, that actually, it’s not such a horrible job after all.... (ask me again on a busy work day when it’s pissing it down with rain and my opinion may have reverted back).

Another good job done today was sweeping up the Autumn leaves up from the garden. Don't judge me that this is being done in Spring, gardening is not usually one of the things on my to do list. Perhaps I shouldn't have left it quite so long though, as our cat has obviously been using it as her toilet for the past few months, and for the second time today I got animal shit on my hands. But it is fine, there are worse things going on and it is not a big deal to have to wash my hands again for the 1753th time today.

Schooling wise, it is lovely sitting next to Mia as she works. So long as she doesn't irritate me too much. Or speak. Or breath. I currently have "I am a poo eater" written on my arm in Biro. My days are spent (sorry, WERE spent) largely working by myself, job to job, lots of driving, photographing properties, then coming home to an empty house to edit. So this is taking some getting used to! I do love being with her though, but usually our time together is spend going out to lovely places, weekends away, holidays, so we both need to adjust to time together at home. Luckily my partner Russ also likes his own space, so we are quite happy to do our own thing as well as a walk, board game or TV together.

So I am learning, one day at a time. If the financial worry can be eased even slightly, then this time will be much easier to handle. If only I could see my mum and my grandma, I could even start enjoying this lockdown lark. I know there are tough times ahead for us all. But we have to keep safe and well, try and stay positive, and wash our hands in case of CV germs and guinea pig / cat shit.

(The pic is Bridlington Beach - so many happy memories from visits there, both in my childhood and now with Mia.)


  1. Brilliant, I laughed out loud at "likes his own space" It does take some getting used to (and some patience) but if you can focus on the positives we'll get through it easier and we might even learn something. How was your exercise class at 7.30am? �� Tina


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