Day 8 - Survival lists

 I love lists and I always hand write them, everyday, except Sunday. I have written a list of stuff I want to achieve while I have no actual photography work on. Some of it is doable, and some of it is not. But as long as I have a list I feel like I am at least doing something. And the satisfaction of crossing off stuff I have done, right now, is sadly the highlight of my day....

- Ring mum and grandma most days.
- Spend as time as possible with Mia without her telling me she “needs her own space”. Even if it means my skin being drawn on in pen on as I sit next to her while we both worth try and work.
- Play lots of board games, even if it’s by myself as Mia and Russ both enjoy “their own space”. (Make a list of one player board games)
- Write one letter every day to people who I think would like to receive one. (Make a list of names)
- Improve my handwriting so it is legible.
- Continue writing this blog.
- Start and finish the novel I have dreamed of writing for 20 years, get it published, make my fortune, and be at least half way through the sequel by the time lockdown is over.
- Loose 3 stone.
- Eat whatever I like, when I like, and accept the fact that I’m fat.
(Still to decide between the above two options)
- Get fit.
(Note - depending on the decision of the above two options, this will either be “get fit” in the literal sense, or “get fitter than I am now, and at least be able to complete a basic circuit without passing out")
- Let my grey hair grow out. (Make a Pinterest list of short grey haircuts.)
- Try out different hair coverage ideas such as a bobble hat, turban, cat, old pants.
- Come up with new ideas for photography, when it is allowed again.
- Keep my business going.
- Read my library of physiological thrillers and motivational business books.
-  Appreciate all I have in life right now (especially bog roll, pasta and plain flour)
- Never wear sleeveless tops or cropped trousers during this pandemic, due to a razor not having yet been used during lockdown.
 - Understand the importance of us all “having our own space” in the house and not getting irritated that the 3 of us handle this situation in different ways.
- Make a new list every day (as I always do on a normal work day) and if stuff on that list doesn’t get done, carry it over to the next day’s list and write another one.
- Have a home “to do list” and a business "to do list".
- Check lists every day.
- Make a list of all lists that need writing.
- Make a list of all the lovely places we will visit once we can, and hold on to those thoughts.....

(The pic is Bolton Abbey in the spring time. )


  1. I love random thoughts like this. We all do it, and to share somebody else's is special


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