Day 27 - Baby blackbird

I don’t normally write a blog so late at night, (10pm!), but Russ has gone to bed and I thought that would allow some lovely mother / daughter time together as it’s still officially school holidays as tomorrow should have been a teacher training day. So, when I excitedly asked Mia the question  “would you like to stay up a bit later tonight and snuggle up with me and watch TV together?”, the answer was a quick and blunt “no”, I realised I should learn from this experience.... Never interrupt Sims play. Do not think for one minute that “snuggles with mum” at 11 years old will ever come before FaceTime with her bestie. Plan for such a senario in the future. Random time to myself is so unheard of there should be a back up plan. For example something suitable for my own viewing on the hard drive. But there is nothing, and I’m so tired of the news, I have found myself writing another random blog.

We have acquired a baby blackbird today. It’s a very sad story but our “cute” kitten stalked it in the garden earlier, broke its legs, but let it survive. We managed to “rescue” it and get it in to an old rabbit hutch. Good point - it’s safe from our “gorgeous” kitten. Bad point - the parents can’t feed it. So, I’ve been on my hands and knees on several occasions, digging worms up and then feeding the little one via tweezers. It’s working! So, we have now left the hutch door open so it can get out (and hopefully the parents can find it) and we have kept our lovely old cat in, as well as the twat of a kitten. We just hope the parents return, feed it, keep it alive, God will fix it’s broken legs, it will learn to fly overnight, the nasty kitten will never do this again and the blackbird family will live happily ever after. I have a suspicion the baby will be dead by the morning, Mia will be in bits, and our kitten will be in even more disgrace than she is in now.

(Pic is of York Minster and the famous Bile Beans sign.)


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