Day 30 - CRAP

Not actual crap, or even feeling crap, but a nice sort of crap. (I hope) I have written an Acrostic Poem (apparently, according to Mia.) So for example....

C orona
R elated
A crostic
P oem

But I went on a lovely walk yesterday through the fields of my old school and where my late dad grew up living on his family farm. And it brought back memories, thoughts and emotions, and it was a beautiful spring day, and it almost felt like everything was ok. I pictured my lovely dad as a boy, playing in the fields of his home. And I thought, with great sorrow, how he would feel about us going through all this without him. And I wished he was here with us. And then I was glad he wasn’t. But the farm kept working and the animals kept grazing and the grasses kept blowing. And I just wanted to write a poem. Which is probably crap, but I feel like I’ve exposed myself (not literally thank God!) enough on here already, so why not..... DAILYWALK poem.

Discovering new pathways, different routes, enjoying the time and freedom to walk.

An hour isn’t long but it is enough to get lost in thought and wonder.

I amble past the fields and down the tracks, through gates and across a stile. 

Little lambs frolicking in the meadow, bounding and bouncing, skipping and springing.

Young calves suckling their mother, as she peacefully chews her cud and stares as I walk by.

Wonderful blossom trees all around, the delicate petals catching on the breeze and tumbling to the ground.

A kestrel high above, silhouetted against the blue sky, hovering, waiting, almost still.

Lark song carried on the wind and filling the silent air with animated notes of joy.

Knowing nothing of the nightmare the world is in, blissfully and beautifully carrying on unaware, as nature should.

(Pic is of the fields my dad used to play in as a boy.) 


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