Day 32 - Guilty

This is a shit storm and we are all in it but sailing different boats... Some are great big armoured submarines battling through regardless, a few are luxury yachts enjoying relaxing times in the sun with no financial worries at all, some are hardworking fishing boats desperately hoping for a good catch to get them through, and there are those more like flimsy rafts, through no fault of their own, finding it difficult to stay afloat. 

I have been on Zoom calls talking to business owners who feel guilty about working. They say that they feel bad about securing work in these horrible times. But the outcome of these calls (thanks to others more knowledgable than me!) is don’t! Do not feel guilty if you are working. This county and other businesses need you to keep us all going. Key workers are obviously needed, but there are many others, “almost key workers” whom are needed to help those unable to work. Keep going you people! Keep motivating your furloughed staff, keep the business going so we all have a better chance of coming out of this. 

I’m in the opposite camp. I feel guilty because I’m not working. I wish I was but I can’t. I feel guilty that I’m gaining knowledge and help from so many people and not giving enough back. I feel bad that I’m making the most of it. Writing endless blogs (so sorry to the few people giving their valuable time up to read them!) going for a walk a day and taking photos (coz I cannot live without taking images) learning new skills to take my business forward, connecting with some amazing new people, and having more family time than I’ve ever had. But I feel guilty. Coz I see people working harder than they have ever worked before, and I’m not just talking about the NSH and other key workers. All these people are amazing! They are carrying on and fighting through at a time when the majority of the population are sitting at home not working. I see those unable to qualify for any government help whatsoever, yet these amazing people are still giving their time and expertise free of charge to help others. 

I blogged at the beginning of this lockdown about being scared I would lose my business. Maybe I will, but I won’t without a fight. And at least I will have some government help in June, fingers crossed. So I feel guilty about stressing so much, but I think most people will agree it is a pretty stressful situation. 

But to all those people who feel guilty about working, don’t. Push your business as much as you can right now, but obviously in a sensitive way. We will all need you when we can come back. And to myself (and others like me, I hope there are more and I’m not a weird freak) don’t feel guilty for not working. We are not allowed! Don’t feel bad for having family time, blogging, exercising, Zooming, “everything you can that is close to real work but isn’t” because we need to keep sane. And we need our businesses to come out of this “sleep mode” all ready to go! 

So ride the shit storm in whatever vehicle you are in. Although I’m aiming this towards the fishing boats and rafts. The submarines and yachts, I’m sure, will be ok. 

Keep strong. Keep together. Understand each other and be kind. None of this is easy for anyone. Business wise we need to stick together. 

(Pic is Clifton Moor lake at sundown) 


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