Day 33 - Piss Off

Ok, I’m pissed off with it all now. I just want it to end! Up until now it’s been ok. Apart from the first few days that were scary and confusing, and very stressful. But since then we are kind of in a routine and for many reasons actually enjoying. But I’ve just spoken to my lovely mum. And it’s hit home. This is not going to be ok again for a very long time. Apparently a guy over the road from mum says he has been told he can’t go out for a year as he has very serious breathing issues. And mum said on the phone “it’s going to be a long time for me as well” due to her being over 70. And my heart broke. I miss her. And I know she misses her life as it was. For a lady her age she was always busy, family, church stuff, cycling here there and everywhere, looking after others, endless days out with us. And now nothing but a walk a day. I just want to see her and for it to be normal. I’m not naive enough to have thought once lockdown ends everything will go back to the way it was, but tonight’s conversation with mum really upset me. When are we going to get our lives back? It’s way beyond lockdown and it’s a scary thing. I miss all I had and the things I did. I miss my life. As everyone does. And I miss my mum. Piss off Corona Virus. Please.... 
(Pic is awesome Clifford’s Tower at night.) 


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