Day 45 - Gin

As you know if you have read my previous blogs, I love making lists. Tonight, I have already started tomorrow’s list with the word “gin”. 

I’d never been a gin drinker until my mother in law (your fault if you are reading this Kate!) gave me a glass at their house a couple of years ago. And it was delicious. And ever since I have tried to have a bottle in the house for special occasions. Pre lockdown a gin and tonic was my Saturday “treat” before I opened a bottle of Prosecco. (Don’t judge, it was once a week) I felt naughty if I had a G and T around 6pm as it seemed far too early. (Note to readers, I haven’t always been a prude, in fact in the day’s before kids, any time after 12.01pm was more than acceptable to open a bottle of White Lightning, which was consumed all afternoon and in to the evening without thought or regret. Until the next day. However! I became a mum and I got old. And really dull. So these days a drink pre 6pm is unheard of. And a drink on any night other than a Saturday (which is still mandatory) is a special occasion. 

Except in lockdown. These days I find myself coming back from a daily walk and checking the clock. “Is it gin time?” And the sun is shining, and I’ve got no (paid) work on, and Mia doesn’t want to do anything with me as she is FaceTiming, and I’m worried about work and money, but I’m also relaxed, and I don’t HAVE to do ANYTHING, which is such a bizarre feeling. So I get a G and T. And it may not be a Saturday. And it may be before 6pm. But we are in bizarre times. And for those unable to work there is no regimented structure. There is some, because there has to be to keep sane and keep active and keep learning. And to keep working, in a sense, with Zoom calls and marketing, to be ready to take paid work again when possible. But if it gets to 4pm on a Tuesday (just as a totally random example) and I sit in the garden with a G and T and read my book and ignore everything else around me, then I am not going to feel bad. I’ve stressed enough about this shitty situation and believe me, I am doing all I can to survive this business wise. And to make sure Mia does enough school work. But! If my intake of gin (or anything else alcoholic) is more frequent and more random than usual, I am not going to beat myself up. We are all surviving. And if an early G and T helps with this survival, then great. (Note to self, tomorrow’s list should stipulate “Co-Op’s Passion Fruit Mango and Lime Gin”) 

Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not an everyday drinker. It’s still a treat when I have the odd random gin during the week! But before lockdown I wouldn’t, but now I will. Without guilt. It’s survival guys! And everyone (in the whole world!!!!) is trying to survive now. So if gin or anything else alcoholic helps, then enjoy without guilt. 

Disclaimer - I am in no way encouraging alcoholism. Gin is lovely in moderation. However, is not the best idea to mix it with Prosecco. Unless it’s a Saturday night and then it’s always allowed. A Saturday is still a Saturday even in lockdown. 
(Pic is of Clifton Moor lake which I am seeing a lot of in these times.)


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