Day 51 - Confused

So, on Sunday night we listened to Boris's update at 7pm with anticipation. I wasn't expecting much to change to be honest, although I was hoping he would say we are allowed to leave the house for longer and go a bit further afield for outdoor exercise. Which he did say, and that is great. But the rest? Well I am quite confused and I don't think I am the only one.....

- Work from home if you can
- If you can't then go to work
- But not until Wednesday
- If you do go to work make sure you can work at a social distance
- If you can't then work from home
- If you can't work from home go to work
- But don't use public transport
- If you can't drive / walk / cycle to work then work from home
- If you have to use public transport keep your distance
- But don't use public transport
- When in the work place be alert
- When at home be alert
- Drive wherever you like for as much exercise as you want for as long as you like but go home if these places are closed due to the fact they don't want outsiders infiltrating their locals
- Meet up with one person only from another household but only outside and at a safe distance
- If any other family member from the other household wanders in to the vicinity accidentally, run for your life
- Don't meet up with anyone at all outside your household if you or they live in Scotland, Ireland or Wales as the rules are totally different
- Allow random strangers in to your home for work such as cleaning but under no circumstances allow in a family member
- Go and hoover your mum's carpet and accept a quid from her as that is equal to the above
- Wear a face covering if you like
- Play golf, but only if there is no more than one other family member on the course at a time
- Be alert, look out for the virus all around you
- French and Irish Covid 19 is less serious than anywhere else, so travel to these countries without issue, however you must quarantine for 2 weeks after going elsewhere in the world
- Have a picnic, sunbath and fill the beaches on a lovely sunny day
- Don't share your picnic with other members of your family not in your household but a random cleaner sitting next to you 2 meters apart can have a sarnie
- Don't go back to school if you are 11 or over
- Go back to school in June if you are the youngest pupils least able to socially distance
- Primary school teachers can mix with a roomful of children but not be allowed to do the same with any grandchildren they may have
- Learn to cut your own hair as hairdressers won't be open again for the next decade
- Drink as much gin as you can and stay alert
- Don't drink so much gin that you are not alert

So, I am confused. "Stay At Home" was a far simpler task to follow. But, I guess the economy needs to start moving again. So I have my PPE, and as soon as I am told by the estate agents I work for that I am allowed to go back in to people's homes to photograph them to sell (the houses not the people), I will. I am worried about doing so, and am aware I need to be extra careful to protect my family, myself and others, but I need to work for financial reasons. And I also need to keep my business going, although I am hopeful it will be a very gradual and very safe start, building up again fully when this horrible virus is less prevalent in all our lives. And I will continue to stay alert. And drink gin.

(The pic is of the beautiful River Ouse in York during lockdown)


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