Day 60 - Wine

So, I have just sat down in our freshly painted, lovely looking conservatory, in my pjs after a nice bath, and settled down to write a blog with a glass of red. Table just got knocked (due to crazy kitten running round the room) and red wine went all over the lovely light grey rug. But it's fine. It will stain but there are more pressing things to think about. I started this blog at the very beginning of lockdown, for a few different reasons. - I panicked and didn't know what to do with myself! - I have always wanted to write - I had time to write - It helped me get my head around the unbelievable and scary situation - I felt the need to get my thoughts and feelings out somehow and the only way I have ever been able to do this is by writing it down. (or drinking too much and making a tit of myself....) For me, lockdown has (unfortunately for many reasons) ended. I am getting jobs coming in now for property photography and I think from next week onwards I will become i...